Game of Thrones' Maisie Williams on how the book fans spoiled the suspense for her

7:24 AM

We know that most of the Game of Thrones actors haven't read the books and they don't know much about the fate of their characters. Recently Iain Glen gave the reason why he avoids reading the books.

Naturally most of the actors don't have an idea about what is going to happen to their character, unless someone spoils the suspense for them. Maisie Williams who plays Arya Stark is one such actor who has experienced this.

Recently when Maisie was at Comic-Con, she spoke about how the book fans have spoiled the suspense for her. Maisie hasn't read the books and she had no idea that Arya was going to become blind but she received spoilers from fans and had to act as if she already knew.

People would come up and be like, ‘Arya goes blind!’ … Even though I didn’t know it, I’m like, ‘Yeah, I know. Yeah, I’m so aware and pretend I knew but I didn’t.

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