A body double was used for Ceresi's "walk of shame"

12:52 AM

Cersei's "Walk of shame" was one of the most talked about scene from the Game of Thrones season 5 finale. People were shocked to see how Cersei was treated in the scene. The scene was brutal and utterly humiliating fer her. People were also surprised to see Lena Headey AKA Cersei walking naked throughout the scene. Everyone was wondering how she agreed to do a full frontal nude scene. Well it turns out that you didn't actually watch Cersei naked. It was her body double who was used for the scene.

Entertainment Weekly reports that Lena Headey, used a body double while shooting the walk of shame scene. Headey was pregnant at the time of shooting. People on reddit immediately started investigating the scene after watching the episode and some people enhanced the image to determine whether it was Headey or not. This is what they posted on reddit

100% Body double for several reasons, the face outline was blurry as sh*t when they showed the entire body from the front, two that body doesn’t look at all like Lena’s body, here’s a fairly recent shoot and a couple of screenshots where’s it’s obvious what i mean. NSFW…i mean it’s kinda funny, her cgi head is pretty freaking round.

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