
HBO president reveals if Jon Snow is dead or alive!

1:32 PM

Everyone is eager to know the fate of Jon Snow and people are coming up with theories which say that he might still be alive. Also Kit Harington has been spotted in Belfast which gave rise to hopes that Jon Snow must be alive. Recently HBO president Michael Lombardo talked with reporters regarding the future of the series and he was also asked about Jon Snow. The response that he gave might break many hearts. This is what he had to say about Jon Snow:

Dead is dead is dead. He be dead. Um, yes. Everything I've seen, heard and read, Jon Snow is indeed dead.

We just hope that even if Jon Snow is dead, he gets resurrected. This way HBO can say that they were telling the truth and also get a chance to surprise the fans.

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  1. Seven hells people .. you are being fucking retarted with those articles ,everyday i see at least two of those about "jon snow is alive!!" leave that thing be.. time will show what is going to happen with him, stupid articles will not solve anything.

  2. LOL "This way HBO can say that they were telling the truth and also get a chance to surprise the fans." you mean the fans who all think he's going to be resurrected into the legendary hero? Yeah, they'll be surprised for sure.
